Miss Tanzania 2021Arizona 2021 : Cecile Mpawenimana
My name is Cecile. I was born in Tanzania, I’m here to represent Tanzania because that’s where I was born. That’s the place that created me. Tanzania is a place full of excitement, a place full of adventure, green and so beautiful. A motherland that gives you peace and joy when you enter. A place to go to escape your everyday problems. Tanzania is home to two renowned tourism destinations – Africa’s highest mountain, Kilimanjaro, and wildlife-rich national parks such as the Serengeti. Who wouldn’t want to go there and just see that beautiful sunset and the wonderful Mountain View? What’s yoga when you have Mother Nature to soothe your mind? My platform is about providing those with alcoholic parents a place to really express how they feel. I want to create an anonymous page/website where they can talk and I can respond and give them feedback on how I dealt with it, how I learned to distract myself from all the negative actions that come with an alcoholic parent. Give them something that keeps them going because God knows it’s really tough to even focus when you have to be put down constantly by those who are supposed to love and cherish you. For me I feel like representing AFRICA itself it’s an empowering thing because not that many people can say they were born in AFRICA, and be proud to be from a unique place.
With that being said here’s a little poem about me
Humble, yet shy, to herself yet very loud
Confident in the women she’s becoming
Loves to cheer, play soccer, and basketball
She’s an outgoing girl who sometimes finds it hard to really open up and start talking to others. She wasn’t born here but she’s grateful for the opportunity. Her parents were born and raised in Congo as she grew up with her mother. Love her sibling more than anything in the world. Her dad left long before she could get to know him. All though she speaks to him On the phone she can’t help but feel empty. She takes life one step at a time and one day hopes to find loyal and genuine friends to enjoy life with.